Tag Archives: butter

Butter Roasted Purple Carrots with Truffle Salt and Rosemary

Butter Roasted Purple Carrots with Truffle Salt and Rosemary

All Summer I’ve been enjoying carrots in a rainbow of colors- any kind will work for this recipe of course but I found the purple to be particularly vibrant and beautiful.


1 bunch of purple carrots, tops removed

1 Tbsp organic butter, melted

1 Tbsp dried or fresh rosemary

truffle salt, to taste

freshly cracked black pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 400. Slice carrots and toss with butter and rosemary. Place a piece of parchment paper over a baking tray, layer on the carrots, and bake for 20 minutes. Season to taste.

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Filed under Recipes, Uncategorized, veggie side dishes