90 Day Juice Feast. Day 58. Unusual Juiceables: Rhubarb.


I’m coming up on day 60! I was reading Wellah’s blog the other day (she’s also on day 58) and she mentioned her intense cravings for heavy food (braised chicken!)  and said “I’m ready to eat when the thought of chewing on celery sticks makes me flip out with excitement and joy, “I can’t imagine anything else more delicious than some celery sticks right now!! Gimme, gimme, gimme!!”- and I realized…this is how I’ve been feeling for awhile. I have the occasional craving for cheese or a burrito but mostly what I’ve been thinking about is crispy lettuce, sprouts, figs, and yes, celery. I mentioned to her in the comments section that I feel like if I stopped at day 60 I would have accomplished enough. Emotionally, the way I feel about food and life, made such a swift shift. During the last fast, I lived in fear of eating again. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. I saw myself eating things that wouldn’t make me feel good in quantities that weighed me down. I’m going to write more about this later but I’ll just say for now that I don’t have that fear anymore. Not that I think I’m going to be the perfect model of healthy eating, I’m just not afraid.

I doubt I’ll actually stop at day 60- I’m too curious about what another month could hold. And Wellah would be going on without me and I just know I’d regret missing out on finishing 90 days with her! It’s been so fun sharing this experience, even when we haven’t caught up for awhile, its amazing knowing that she’s always on the same day I am.

My sleep patterns are still way off which is frustrating. I’m used to being such a good sleeper but it’s rare to get a full night these days. I’m still playing with weekly water fasts and I’m just so intrigued by the experience that I wonder if it’s something I’ll continue even after the juice feast. We’ll see, at the end of the last one I’d considered a weekly juice feast but eating was just way too much fun for that 😀

I came across a pile of bright, crisp, fresh rhubarb at Whole Foods last week and instantly knew I had to try juicing it! It’s a bit tart and I don’t overuse it but I always love a little variety and the combo below is my favorite so far.

Sweet Tart Juice

Rhubarb Sweet Tart

2 stalks rhubarb

2 apples

1 lb carrots

1 jicama


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Filed under Recipes

One response to “90 Day Juice Feast. Day 58. Unusual Juiceables: Rhubarb.

  1. Hey Rande, did you read any books or articles that inspired you to try water fasting?

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